Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Welcome Home Zuvo!

Water is by far my favorite and only thing I like to drink. (besides booze) What could possibly be more refreshing than something with no flavor, right?? Between my husband and I we go through at least a case of water a week, usually more. I have been wanting some type of water filter to try and save in the cost of buying bottles and also I am kind of skeptical of drinking out of a plastic bottle all day long. Just doesn't seem to great to me. But being the "water snob" (as James calls me) that I am, I am very picky on how it must taste. Well I was walking through BJ's one day and I look up to find the water God, aka the Zuvo man standing in the middle of the store next to his little sink, like he was sent there just for me. I walk over and he hands me too small cups filled with water and asked me to try both. I tried smelled the tap water and actually tried the purified water and it was delicious. SOLD. He kept talking about the product and I kept nodding my head knowing either way I would purchase this baby and finally I picked up my Zuvo and headed to the checkout, $99.99 what a deal. Well fast forward 3 months and this guy has finally been installed. 

Here it is with it's nice little spout! 
My "plumber" aka husband
How pretty is the UV light

Well I am hoping that this will keep me very hydrated for many years to come. 

Cheers! ~Kim

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