Monday, June 30, 2014

Happy 3 Months Nathan

Nathan you are now 3 months old as of June 1! Time is flying and it is taking mommy forever to write up your stats!

Weight: At least 12 pounds by now

Height: Not sure we should know in July

Health: You started daycare and right away you have been congested and coughing. Hope this is not a sign!

Sleep: Oh the sleep subject again. We moved your swing into your room this month and have been focusing on trying to have you teach yourself how to sleep. We let you cry for about 5 minutes at a time before we go in and soothe you. By the end of the month you were putting yourself to sleep and only waking up once a night to eat. You seem to wake up around 3-4am and just start getting a little fussy. If I put the swing on you are out like a light and sleep until 8. I am hoping to phase out of this and then start working on crib transitioning. We are still turning the swing on for naps.

Routine: You are still following the same pattern of sleeping, eating and playing except for bedtime when daddy gives you a bottle before we put your down. This sometimes can get difficult when we try and go out and you start getting fussy for nap time and sometimes you just can't be comforted without that swing! 

Diet: 100% Breast milk still!! And at 11 weeks we were done with the nipple shield!! It just kind of happened one day. I kept always trying but you just hadn't been ready. I am so glad to be done with that thing. It makes nursing so much easier especially when we are on the go.

Clothes: 3 months and starting some 3-6 months. 

Baby Gear: You have really been starting to get into toys this month. At 11 weeks we were out at our favorite place Target and it was the first time I saw you actually start reaching for a toy hanging from your car seat, and you were just rubbing it. So cute! You are loving your jungle gym and looking at yourself in the mirror. I would say your tub this month too. You love just laying there like a king while we bath you and sing lots of songs.

Crying: Mostly when you start getting tired or bored. You will cry to let me know you have had enough and are ready for something different. 

Likes: Eating for sure! You also like to look at other babies and at yourself in the mirror. You are liking when we sing to you and always give us big smiles that melt my heart.

Milestones: Starting daycare. Boy oh boy was this tough on mommy. Luckily daddy does most of the drop offs but the bigger kids love to help out with you and you are always exhausted by the end of the day.

You rolled from your tummy to your back on May 21! You really hate tummy time.
We celebrated our first Mother's day together and you joined in on the seafood tradition!

Social: You got to hang out with all the babies born from daddy's co-workers! You are also getting to hang out with all the kids at daycare!

Nathan you continue to let your little personally show more and more everyday. We love you so much.

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