Monday, June 30, 2014

Happy 3 Months Nathan

Nathan you are now 3 months old as of June 1! Time is flying and it is taking mommy forever to write up your stats!

Weight: At least 12 pounds by now

Height: Not sure we should know in July

Health: You started daycare and right away you have been congested and coughing. Hope this is not a sign!

Sleep: Oh the sleep subject again. We moved your swing into your room this month and have been focusing on trying to have you teach yourself how to sleep. We let you cry for about 5 minutes at a time before we go in and soothe you. By the end of the month you were putting yourself to sleep and only waking up once a night to eat. You seem to wake up around 3-4am and just start getting a little fussy. If I put the swing on you are out like a light and sleep until 8. I am hoping to phase out of this and then start working on crib transitioning. We are still turning the swing on for naps.

Routine: You are still following the same pattern of sleeping, eating and playing except for bedtime when daddy gives you a bottle before we put your down. This sometimes can get difficult when we try and go out and you start getting fussy for nap time and sometimes you just can't be comforted without that swing! 

Diet: 100% Breast milk still!! And at 11 weeks we were done with the nipple shield!! It just kind of happened one day. I kept always trying but you just hadn't been ready. I am so glad to be done with that thing. It makes nursing so much easier especially when we are on the go.

Clothes: 3 months and starting some 3-6 months. 

Baby Gear: You have really been starting to get into toys this month. At 11 weeks we were out at our favorite place Target and it was the first time I saw you actually start reaching for a toy hanging from your car seat, and you were just rubbing it. So cute! You are loving your jungle gym and looking at yourself in the mirror. I would say your tub this month too. You love just laying there like a king while we bath you and sing lots of songs.

Crying: Mostly when you start getting tired or bored. You will cry to let me know you have had enough and are ready for something different. 

Likes: Eating for sure! You also like to look at other babies and at yourself in the mirror. You are liking when we sing to you and always give us big smiles that melt my heart.

Milestones: Starting daycare. Boy oh boy was this tough on mommy. Luckily daddy does most of the drop offs but the bigger kids love to help out with you and you are always exhausted by the end of the day.

You rolled from your tummy to your back on May 21! You really hate tummy time.
We celebrated our first Mother's day together and you joined in on the seafood tradition!

Social: You got to hang out with all the babies born from daddy's co-workers! You are also getting to hang out with all the kids at daycare!

Nathan you continue to let your little personally show more and more everyday. We love you so much.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Happy 2 Months Nathan!

Nathan you are now 2 months old as of May 1. 

Weight: You weighed in at 11 pounds 7 ounces! Growing strong my boy!

Height: 23 inches

Health: We think you had your first little cold this month and it was the saddest thing ever. You were so stuffy and you were so upset which made mommy just as upset. Luckily this only lasted 1-2 days and then you were back to your usual self! You developed a slight fever after your shots this month but we gave you a little tylenol which seemed to help. You also had a little eczema on your forehead so the dr recommended using Cereve cream which is helping!

Sleep: Oh sleep. This month was a real struggle trying to get you to sleep in your crib. You will sleep 6-7 hours sometimes in your swing but your crib is another story. You wake up about every 2 hours screaming crying and will eventually refuse to even go back in. We are still swaddling you every night but I think you hate being in such a big space all alone. We are going to try moving your swing into your room and then try a bassinet and see if this helps. 

Routine: We have settled into quite a routine now. You are pretty much in the sleep, eat play repeat routine. Once you have been awake for too long you start to get fussy which we know is the sign for a nap. We sometimes try napping your crib but you nap best in your swing of course and at nap time we turn it on for you which helps to soothe you to sleep. Naps can range from 30 mins to 2 hours. We love it when you nap for 2 hours! Your bedtime routine is pretty consistent. We give you a bath between 7:30 and 8 which you really seem to enjoy. Then we do a mini massage with some calming lotion, swaddle you up and daddy gives you a bottle of pumped milk and will usually sing you some songs while you eat.

Diet: Still 100% breast milk! I am loving that I have the ability to give you everything you need to grow and thrive. We are still using the nipple shield but once you have get going we can usually take it off and you can nurse without it. Still no problems taking a bottle. We are using Dr Browns still and are taking around 4oz during the day and we up your night time bottle to about 5.5oz. You are still spitting up quite a bit but the Dr assures us this is normal.

Clothes: I have officially packed away all your newborn clothes which is so sad to know you will never be that small again. You are wearing mostly 0-3 months and some 3 months depending on the brand

Baby Gear: You still LOVE your swing and also your BabyBjorn air sitter is a favorite. We are starting to read books and you love to just sit there and watch our mouths move. 

Crying: When we put you in your crib! You also tend to get fussy every evening around 6:30 just in time for daddy to get home. We have started using the Avent pacifiers which help to soothe you during this time until you go into the bath. 

Likes: You are happiest right after you nurse. If you stop before you are full you let me know with a big wail and will nurse until that belly is full. You like when we talk to you and you give us great big smiles!

Milestones: You celebrated your first holiday this month Easter! I put together an Easter basket for you with things we already had around the house. I promise next year it will be all new stuff! We also celebrated your Baptism. You did amazing and slept through the whole thing even when the holy water was poured over your head. We had lots of family and friends attend and it was a beautiful ceremony. 

You love to kick your legs like crazy. I keep saying you can't wait to be on the move! Something tells me you are going to be quite the busy little boy. 

I can't believe another month has come and gone. We love you more and more everyday and you continue to amaze us! Now lets just get you sleeping in that crib!!