Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tooth Fact Tuesday

So for today's tooth fact Tuesday I thought I would respond to a recent segment that was posted on "The View" Last week the show had an "expert reporter" on who was listing off the top jobs that do not require a college education. 
As you can see above, a Dental Hygienist is listed first with an annual salary of $45,000. Well I am hear to say that this is absolutely false and the hell that I went through for the previous two years proves this. A dental hygienist is the second highest trained professional in a dental office underneath the dentist. They are also a preventative oral health care provider who must have graduated from an accredited dental hygiene program in order to even take board exams(5 separate exams) and must be licensed in the state in which they practice. After the segment aired, the American Dental Hygienists' Association reached out to "The View" in order to inform them of this misinformation and that the average salary of a hygienist is $68,250. Today the show did finally confess to their mistake in a comment on their webpage, but please keep in mind that the hygienist cleaning your teeth is in fact a graduate of a very vigorous program who does care for each of their patients well being! I will get off my soap box now but I am hoping that "The View" will look more into the information that they provide in the future. 

Thanks for stopping by! ~Kim

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