Thursday, August 14, 2014

Happy 5 Months Nathan!

Where does the time go? Here we are 5 months later! 

Weight: we are unsure until you 6 month check up but you are definitely at least 15 pounds

Height: We will know next month

Health: You had a pretty healthy month knock on wood!

Sleep: You were doing SO well at sleeping through the night, then right before the end of the month, the 4 month sleep regression hit. I was hoping maybe this was going to miss us but it lasted just over a week. A couple nights were rough and you were waking up every 2 hours. I tried to let you cry it out and you would put yourself back to sleep but just to wake up a couple hours later. A few times I had to go in during the middle of the night for you to nurse. Luckily it didn't last and you went back to sleeping until about 5-5:30 before needing to eat again. You will still sometimes fuss in your sleep but will almost always put yourself back to sleep. You tend to be starving though first thing in the morning so if mama is already getting ready for work by the time you get up Daddy will give you at least a 7oz bottle. You are mostly in your crib all the time. If you fall asleep in the car and are still needing to nap I will sometimes just put you in your swing so you keep sleeping.

Routine: Your bath time is no later than 7pm and sometimes even 6:45 if you are struggling. Napping is still tough you will take any where from 30 minute to a 2 hour nap with the average usually being about an hour. During your sleep regression you had a tough time napping in your crib without crying hysterically but that passed.

Diet: 100% breast milk still. This will be our last month before starting you on some food!

Baby Gear: you are more and more into toys which is fun and you also don't mind being on your tummy! Sometimes you will just roll over but you can hold your head up so well that you just lay there and play. We also attached a travel seat to our counter and you like to sit with us while we eat dinner. The jumperoo is still a favorite and keeps you very entertained.

Crying: still the same, hungry, bored, tired 

Milestones: this months biggest milestone was hearing you giggle. O.M.G I could listen to that sweet sound all day long. You love giggling at me and your daddy when we tickle you or make funny noises. I am sure we look a little ridiculous sometimes but it is totally worth it

Another milestone this month was you first overnight trip to Nanny and Grampy's house! You slept through the night for them so I am sure they will be happy to have you again.

You went on your first trip to a hotel this month! I was so nervous about taking you away and having you sleep in your pack and play for the first time but you did awesome! You came up to Waterville with me and Stef and you absolutely loved it. You love being outside and looking at everything. We went on lots of walks and although I had to pack A LOT it was totally worth it and I am so glade we made the trip

You have only been having to go to your daycare once a week this summer since your Auntie Allie has been watching you on Wednesdays which has been great!

You also love to slam your legs down. You even do it all throughout the night in your sleep its the funniest thing. 

I am not sure how 5 months have already gone by but you continue to amaze me everyday. xoxo

Happy 4 Months Nathan!

Nathan you are now 4 months old!

Weight: 14 pounds 6.5 ounces

Height: 25 3/4 inches

Health: Well you ended up sick this month officially with a cold and a slight fever. Luckily your daddy stayed home with you and took you to the doctors. It took a while for you to get over it but you have been good ever since!

Sleep: I don't want to jinx ourselves but you have been sleeping really well and in your crib!! We started you in your crib swaddled and you were doing ok waking up about twice a night but going right back to sleep. When you got sick the doctor told us to have you sleep at an incline so back in your swing you went for 2 nights. Well then we went through the crib transition ALL OVER AGAIN. Luckily it only took a couple nights. About mid month we switched you over to the Merlin Magic sleep suit. I am happy to say that for about the past week you have been sleeping from about 7:45 to 5-6 and then back down til anywhere between 7 and 8:30. You did seem to wake up sometime between 1 and 3 and fuss around in your crib a bit but you always put yourself back to sleep which saves mom and dad a trip in your room and you are doing fine not eating til morning! It has been fantastic!

Routine: We pushed up bath time and usually go in by 7-7:15 and you seem to like being in bed earlier. Especially on your daycare days you are absolutely exhausted. Your daycare routine will be changing soon since it was your last day with Ms. Liza and we will miss her dearly! She was so good to you and we are hoping your new daycare will be just as good!

Diet: Still 100% of good ole mama's milk and I am in no hurry to start you on any type of food. I think we will hold off until 6 months as long as your still gaining weight. 

Clothes: Mostly 3-6 months. Some of your summer rompers are 6 months but shorts are mostly 3 months. 

Baby Gear: Still love looking at and reaching for your toys especially in your gym. You also love holding onto your toys in your car seat. The car is touch and go with you. Sometimes you are perfectly content and other times you will scream bloody murder making for a horrible car ride! Still loving the bath tub! I had also put you in your big part of the stroller which you seemed to enjoy. Still hating tummy though :( We have started using your Jumper which you are very curious about.

Crying: Same things, tired, hungry or if you get bored with something

Social: This month you enjoyed spending time with the kids at daycare and also had a few playdates. We also celebrated your Nanny and Grampy's 40th wedding anniversary and had our last dinner at your great grand parents house! We also celebrated Daddy's first Father's Day! We ventured out to make him some pottery with your foot prints. Boy was that an adventure!

You get more fun everyday and we love watching you grow and change!