Mr. Nathan James you are already one month old!
Stats: At your one month appointment you were up to 9 pounds 5.5 ounces and you were 21.75 inches long! Growing great as the doctor said.
You have recently outgrown most of your newborn pajamas. We are still putting you in some newborn onsies and pants and have busted out a lot of your 0-3 month! Just this week we have switched you from your newborn diapers to size one. Mostly because we used up all the newborn and did not want to buy anymore but size one seems to fit just fine!
You seem to be getting stronger everyday. You are lifting up your head like a pro although you seem to hate tummy time. You prefer to do it on our chest rather than the floor. You seem to like to sit in your baby bjorn chair and just look around and take it all in!
When we first brought you home you loved your mamaroo now it really depends on your mood.
Sleeping: Some days you refuse to nap or even let me put you down, man are those days tough. Recently I have put you in a baby carrier and you seem to like that and will doze off while I vacuum! At night we try and have you in bed by 9:30-10 and you give us anywhere from 1-3 hour stretches. Sometimes even 4! I am hoping that this next month we can start extending this. Mama needs some sleep! We have you sleeping in your swing in our room, usually not turned on but we are going to start transitioning you into your crib soon. I have been trying to have you nap in there as often as possible. You seem to sleep better when we swaddle you and have been using the Miracle Swaddle blankets.
Bathing: Boy did you hate sponge baths and you let us know. You would scream so loud that at times no sound would even be coming out! And this broke my heart. It also made us very nervous of how you would handle an actual tubby. Once your cord finally fell off we put you in the tub and the first bath you hated but the second and third there was no screaming so we are making progress! We have been using your Eurobath with a sponge insert to help keep you up right. I am hoping that you continue to like bath time!
Eating: You have been all breast milk from the beginning and I am pleased with this. I have been worried that I am not supplying enough for you but the doctor assures me that I am. You defiantly have messy diapers all day long! You let us know with some very loud screams when you are hungry. Usually as soon as you wake up you like to eat right away. During the day it is mostly every 2-3 hours still. We have also introduced a bottle which you took no problem. We have been using the Dr. Browns and you have no trouble switching back and forth. You once and a while have issues with gas and we have given you gripe water which sometimes seems to help. You Took a pacifier the first couple weeks we were home and honestly it really helped to soothe you but you have now learned to hate it and let us know.
We are starting to get some smiles and they are the cutest thing and makes me so excited to one day hear you laugh!
All in all you have been a really good baby and we love you so much. I can't wait to see what this next month brings. You continue to grow and in a way it makes me sad that you will never be a newborn again but excited for what the future holds :)